About Us

Our vision is to touch 1 million lives through financial and business education and micro-funding from MADCash by the year 2024.

More than 1.7 billion people across the globe are unbanked and do not have access to financial services they require. In Malaysia, there are 13.7 million who are underbanked, which means they have a bank account but do not actively utilize it and services offered by the bank to manage their financial wellbeing.

This is where MADCash, a Shariah-compliant Fintech ecosystem builder, started operations in April 2020 in Kuala Lumpur, with a mission to convert one-time donations into a ‘perpetual donation’ with the concept of paying it forward. We have created a technology platform that makes this process visible, as we wanted donors to see who their donation is helping at any moment in time.

Furthermore, this platform will be enabling the seamless process of micro-funding application, approval, onboarding, disbursement and repayment monitoring. What also makes the platform truly an essential tool for the success of micro-entrepreneurs who come on board are, the modular and scalable online academy filled with useful content and business support as well as networking opportunities.

The problem we are solving:

Covid-19 saw the unprecedented hardships faced by women during the lockdown.  Micro entrepreneurs survive on a “day to day” income and rely on that to support their families.  After the lockdowns, micro-entrepreneurs could not reboot since they lack cash flow and have used up their savings during the interim.  They don’t have a credit history or worst still, are blacklisted by traditional financial institutions and have very little access to finance.  MADCash is the right product that went live at the right time.

We are working towards a world where every woman (and man) have access to capital and can choose entrepreneurship when times are tough as a means to support their families.  The philosophy of MADCash – a donation received today helps to fund one woman entrepreneur, and when that woman pays back, it goes to another woman; the donation that keeps on giving.  We track the impact that the donation creates, reducing the culture of handouts and dignity to women.

Problem Statement

Only 6% of female-owned businesses in South Asia receive any form of financial assistance in response to Covid-19.
1. No access to funding
2. No registered businesses
3. No credit standing

Our Solution

1. Profiling

Socio-economic, financial, business

2. Online Academy

Business & Financial Skills

3. Funding

Business Plan

4. Biz Support & Networking

Mentor & Peers

5. Sustainable Eco-system

Data Driven, Track Impact, Fund Transparency, Fund Upcycling

Our Partners

MADCash is an initiative that provides access to micro-funds for WOMEN that have a critical need to start, or upgrade a micro business as a new or additional income stream for the household. For this purpose, MADCash provides a platform for individuals and organizations to donate to the MADCash fund, which will be distributed to qualified women of B40 as interest-free micro-loans. The interest-free loan will be served through a weekly payment of up to TEN (10) months.
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