PPKWK (Pertubuhan Pembangunan Kendiri Wanita dan Keluarga) is a Non-Governmental Organization working with women entrepreneurs who are building micro businesses.

We run programs that help these entrepreneurs strengthen and grow their businesses.

We are also known as the social arm of MADCash (Multiply, Assist, Donate Cash) as we continue our efforts to create financial inclusivity and better business acumen amongst our beneficiaries.

We hope to improve the economic status of women entrepreneurs that will contribute to economic status of families and our country as a whole.

MADCash provides access to micro-funds for WOMEN that have a critical need to start, or upgrade a micro business as a new or additional income stream for the household.

For this purpose, MADCash provides a platform for organizations to donate to the MADCash fund, which will be distributed to qualified women of B40 as interest-free micro-loans. The interest-free loan will be served through a weekly payment of up to TEN (10) months.

All repayments will be channeled back into MADCash fund to be UP-CYCLED to the next qualified individuals, creating an ecosystem of WOMEN FUNDING and GROWING WOMEN. In the future; where relevant and feasible, qualified individuals may also choose to enter into a profit-sharing arrangement instead of interest-free loans.

MADCash will also expose and encourage the micro-business owners to the use of digital finance such as with the use of digital banking, e-wallet, and digital payments.

Where necessary, MADCash will also assist the qualified micro-loan borrowers in select business operations areas through mentoring, advisory sessions, and short trainings.

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